Our Products
Check out our products from our Septic tanks, sewage treatment systems, farm effluent tank, rainwater harvesting tanks, grease traps and a lot more
Septic Tanks
Ireland Waste Water’s Euro-ST Septic Tank range is designed to give maximum treatment while reducing overall costs for the homeowner. Read on to find out how you can save up to €1000 over 5 years.Sewage Treatment Tanks
The “Euro-Bio” treatment system uses a type of activated sludge (suspended growth) process, known as an SBR (sequencing batch reactor) process. This is identical to the systems used in some large Local Authority treatment works, but on a smaller scale.
Rainwater Harvesting
Mains water is expensive and likely to get more expensive in the future. You can reduce your water consumption dramatically by implementing our Rain Water Harvesting Systems instead of your mains water for a variety of uses.
Pump Chambers
We supply a range of pumping systems for domestic, small communities and commercial waste water applications. Our pumping stations are designed using durable pre-cast concrete sumps and overflow tanks with retention times tailored to suit your criteria.
Holding Tanks
Our underground storage tanks for water can cater for projects varying from as little as 5 cubic metres to in excess of 100 cubic metres. By using underground concrete tanks, the water is stored in dark and cool conditions.Sewage Treatment Tanks
The “Euro-Bio” treatment system uses a type of activated sludge (suspended growth) process, known as an SBR (sequencing batch reactor) process. This is identical to the systems used in some large Local Authority treatment works, but on a smaller scale.